Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Marshmallow follow-up...

As I'd predicted, the marshmallows turned out just as I'd expected - fluffy, a little gooey, and capable of incredible melting power in a cup of homemade hot cocoa!
I packaged them up and made some with this homemade hot cocoa mix, courtesy of the Food Network and Alton Brown:

Homemade Hot Cocoa:
  • 2 C powdered sugar
  • 1 C unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 2 1/2 C powdered milk
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp cornstarch
The marshmallows and hot cocoa made for a perfect little something for our 9 nieces and nephews, on my hubby's side.
In addition to these sweets, other members of my fam were the lucky recipients of a black and white photo wreath, reindeer beer, and a set of cards.
Happy Wednesday, all!