Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Temporarily Out of Order

Day 3 of illness (after a chest x-ray yesterday, we found the culprit for Abby's sickness to be pneumonia), I have learned the following things:
  • I should have a thermometer in case a temperature needs to be taken (pretty amazing that I have two 2 1/2 year olds and I don't even know where a thermometer is - hooray for healthy babies)
  • Abby is the best sick little one ever - she wants lots of Momma-holding and snuggling, but even 3 hours at doc's office didn't bring on the slightest of a melt-down
  • Elise is a fabulous sister - I didn't actually just learn this over the course of the week, it was simply reinforced: kisses, "I love my sister", bringing favorite books or blankets when in need, and entertaining. As Gran coined, our little "energizer bunny" has been going... and going... and going
This pic pretty much sums up our days: Abby looking quite unlike herself in a sad-sort-of-way with her sister smiling, right by her side.

We'll be back up and running in no time!

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