Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Photo-A-Day Challenge: Day #13: Fast

Fast. They grow up too. damn. fast. My shoes, my dress... my babies???? It really happens fast. I'll be honest - on more than one occasion, I've dreaded the girls turning into 7 or 8 year olds. The thought of pre-teens has made me shudder. How do you make all right with their world when they are too old to just pull into your lap, read a book, and quickly watch the worry disappear??? What happens when a popsicle isn't a cure-all??? And for crying out loud, how do you carry on when they ask to go "swimming" instead of "schwimming"???? The moment captured in this picture, while I'm 100% not ready for it, made me feel a flutter of excitement for the relationship yet to come between the girls and me. It does happen fast, but we're doing our best to enjoy, and remember, the ride.

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