What do you get when you dine on breakfast for dinner? BRINNER! And brinner, a term coined by my hubby, is such a killer fall-back meal. Our house is currently under construction (new master bathroom necessary in order to prevent shower from falling into basement) while at the same time in the throes of potty training. Luckily, both battles are being won! The new shower looks great and the new tile floor is awesome - after the sink goes in and the paint goes up... voila! Bathroom beautified. And potty training - I never imagined I'd get such a rush from the girls becoming independent in the bathroom. In the words of their NICU doctor, they continue to be "rockstars". I just started my load of diapers for the night (cloth) and my two-day diaper count is a mere 6 diapers... for 2 little ones. Yes.. sweet, sweet, success.
This brings me full circle back to brinner. I have not been cooking. I've spent a lot of time in the bathroom, waiting for the delicate sound of tinkle in the toilet... I've been busy doing "dry, dry, dry
dances", celebrating the dry undies between potty breaks... and we've been on-the-go, picking out tiles and paint and snoozing at Gran and Grandpa's in order to nap without drills and saws across the hall. Tonight we feasted on French toast, chicken sausage, and smoothies. Brinner, you tasted so good!
French toast:
Bread (we used fresh Great Harvest Nine Grain)
Freshly grated nutmeg

2 cups fresh spinach leaves
1 cup frozen blueberries
1 container plain Oikos yogurt
Handful of frozen cherries
Handful of frozen blackberries
Tablespoon, or so, honey
Orange juice (as needed to blend smoothly)
Erin I love your blog! Not only do I get to see cute pics of your girls, but I'm lovin' your recipes :)