I am a self-proclaimed recipe junkie. I LOVE to jump from one site to the next and blog to blog reading about what people are cooking, baking, and eating. And then I take great pleasure in re-creating said recipes in our kitchen.

Tonight, POM juice met chicken, rice, and spinach for the first time in our house. Here's the recipe:
My only changes were excluding tarragon (we didn't have any) and adding a dash of dried oregano and basil instead. This was quick, easy, and yum-yum-yummy. Abby dined with Daddy while Elise snuggled with me, missing out on the POM chicken due to an upset tummy. I know she'll enjoy it next time, as there will indeed be a next time for this recipe.
After the girls went to bed, out came the mixing bowls.

We are no strangers to nutella, so when I found this, I immediately added the chocolate hazelnut spread to my grocery list.
Changes to the recipe included: part whole wheat flour and part whole wheat pastry flour instead of white, pecans instead of hazelnuts, and I used dark chocolate chips. I cut the recipe in half and it made about 2 dozen SCRUMPTIOUS treats! I told John that I was making cookies with a secret ingredient and he steered clear of the kitchen while I was creating. He then went on to identify the secret ingredient (nutella, of course) on his first (or maybe second) bite. His refined palate wins again! (I will add here that one last modification to the recipe was a wee bit extra nutella - seemed like a no-brainer to me).

Now, in a chocolate-hazelnut-butter laden cookie, one might wonder if the use of whole wheat flour really makes any kind of a health difference. My answer: not really. That's not why I sub in a situation like this. Personally, I prefer the heavier, grainier consistency of whole wheat.
Evening cooking verdict: POM chicken and Nutella cookies will again be invited to dine with us.
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