Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Monarchs and Marshmallows

The butterflies met the world today! This morning, we could see the orange peeking through the darkening chrysalis and, by the time naps were done, there were two lovely monarchs clinging to the mesh. We went outside and let them go. So very, very cool. Their release would not have been complete without a kiss from Abby and an "I love you, my little monarch butterfly." We then loaded up 3 more caterpillars and drove them to Gran and Grandpa's. There is not a single leaf left on our milkweed.

The butterflies, along with the cooler temperatures, seem to be telling us that fall is near. And there is no better way to welcome this season than with a campfire and s'mores

The lovely ladies tried their hands at photography and they get full credit for the following pictures. I'm quite impressed with their mad skills and I'm grateful to finally have someone else shutter-bugging for me. Fall, we welcome you and look forward to many jeans-wearing, marshmallow-eating, star-gazing nights.

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